
High-tech meets Healthcare

Access to high-quality healthcare should be simple

TomCare is a technology-driven multi-line managed care enterprise that serves as an intermediary for both government-sponsored and privately insured healthcare programs. Our mission is to bring affordable, high-quality healthcare to the millions of Americans who struggle to pay their healthcare bills.

Hi, There!

We’re TomCare.

We are committed to solving the pressing healthcare challenges faced by international students, scholars, and work visa holders – inflated prices, confusing terms, and complicated processes. We are health enthusiasts providing affordable and reliable health insurance, excellent customer service, and authentic healthcare knowledge. TomCare provides the best Medical Health Insurance Plans for International Students in the USA!


Affordable care that works for everyone

For Employers

Savings of 25% or more. Accountability on healthcare quality metrics, the total cost of care, and waste avoidance. Happier, engaged employees

For Employees

A primary care team that is a true partner in their healthcare. Affordable care with few out-of-pocket expenses. An incredibly positive and satisfying experience

For Providers

TomCare providers act as the go-to destination for care and help members navigate the healthcare system

For Students

TomCare plans are designed specifically for J1, F1, M1 visa-holders, OPT students, Exchange Participants, and their Dependents while enrolled full-time in the US

We can power a fundamentally different health insurance experience because we take a fundamentally different approach

Let’s get in touch

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